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Category: Senior Life

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A happy senior and their adult child enjoying a warm embrace as they sit on a couch and chat.

How to Talk to a Parent With Dementia

Having a parent with dementia can feel like navigating an emotional labyrinth. This disease doesn't just steal memories—it transforms how you communicate and connect with others. A few things to keep in mind when talking to a parent with dementia are: Employ new and effective communication strategies Focus on active listening Learn to navigate potentially…
A senior woman and her husband smiling and hugging on a day trip to the beach at sunset.

Day Trips for Seniors with Dementia

A pleasant day trip somewhere local is one of the most rewarding ways to spend an afternoon with a loved one. For seniors living in memory care, a day trip offers a fulfilling and happy change of pace. Seniors experiencing dementia deserve to feel supported every day, so why not plan a fun adventure for…

Inspired Lifestyles

Memory Care

Through purpose-built memory care, we offer personalized, compassionate support for seniors living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Respite Care

Respite stays provide short-term care for loved ones who need temporary support, with full access to our services and amenities.

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